Make a Submission to the Parliamentary inquiry into a Human Rights Act for South Australia by 16th February 2024!

South Australia is one step closer to a Human Rights Act, with the Social Development Committee of the South Australian Parliament currently holding a parliamentary inquiry into how human rights across the State can be guaranteed and protected. This is an historic opportunity to tell our parliamentarians that we want our state to legally protect human rights for all South Aussies.

We need as many people and organisations as possible to make a submission to the review. We are here to support you to make your voice heard!

Simply combine information from the below resources with your expertise, lived experience or personal views in order to ensure the Committee receives lots of compelling submissions from the community in support of a Human Rights Act for SA.

Submissions are due by 5.00pm on 16th February 2024 and should be sent to: [email protected]

Step 1: Remember these key submission writing tips

Explain who you are and why human rights are important to you.

Respond to the terms of reference

a) the effectiveness of current laws and mechanisms for protecting human rights in South Australia and any possible improvements to these mechanisms;
b) the operation and effectiveness of human rights legislation in other jurisdictions;
c) the strengths and weaknesses of adopting a Human Rights Act in South Australia;
d) the potential human rights protections in any act;
e) the potential implications of any act for the making of laws, courts and tribunals, public authorities and other entities;
f) any other related matters.

Be specific to your issues – you don’t need to address all terms of reference, or legal technicalities, or all human rights – speak to the rights most important to you.

Real-word examples will shine through.

No need to re-invent the wheel – speak from experience, and up-cycle existing annual reports, submissions etc.

It doesn’t need to be long - even submissions of a few pages ban be powerful and compelling!

Step 2: Use our easy submission template and adapt it to suit your priorities:

Step 3: check out these resources and see if they help with writing your submission:

Step 4: email your submission to [email protected] by 5pm on 16th February 2024