Support the call for a South Australian Human Rights Act
South Australians deserve to live in a society that strives for the values we hold most dear - justice, equality, compassion and a ‘fair go’ for all. Our laws should protect the dignity, security and interests of everyone in our state.
It's time to come together and begin a conversation about a Human Rights Act
A Human Rights Act will legally articulate, protect and promote everyone's rights and freedoms. It will ensure that our human rights are always at the heart of the SA Government's laws, policies and decisions. It will also provide a powerful tool that we can all use to seek a justice if our human rights are violated.
Victoria, the ACT and Queensland have already passed their own Human Rights Acts. These laws are benefitting people everyday by upholding the values that protect our quality of life: like ensuring that we can all access the health services we need without discrimination, or making sure that every child can get a good education, regardless of their abilities or postcode.
We invite everyone across our state to sign up and support the call for a Human Rights Act for SA
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